For Simple Scan, you can call it with debugging on: simple-scan -d. If it doesn't work for some reasons, there are debugging options. Link Libsane-Library from the installed archive to the right place: sudo ln -s /opt/smfp-common/scanner/lib/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/sane/Ĭhange Firewall rules and restart services: sudo ufw allow 22161 Install Libusb: sudo apt install libusb-0.1-4 Here is how I did it:ĭownload UnifiedLinuxDriver-1.00.37 from Įxtract archive and go to script folder: cd UnifiedLinuxDriver-1.00.37/uld/Ĭall install script with sudo.
Of course both devices (printer/scanner and Ubuntu client) had to be in the same network. I installed the scanner for Samsung-M2070FW on several devices with Ubuntu 18.04.